Parent Support Committee
Flight Lieutenant Ben Wells
Unit Commander
19 Years of service in the NZCF
Senior Customs Officer
Pilot Officer Jay Khosla
Squadron Adjutant
8 Years of service in the NZCF
Supplementary Staff Tim Phipps
Stores Officer
4 Years of service in the NZCF
Supplementary Staff Della Philips
Assistant Adjutant
5 Years of service in the NZCF
Warrant Officer Gillian Mascarenhas
Warrant Officer
5 Years of service in the NZCF
Senior Customs Officer
Pilot Officer John Tian
Training Officer
10 Years of service in the NZCF
Supplementary Staff Kevin Wang
Ass. Training Officer
5 Years of service in the NZCF
Under Officer Thomas von Keisenberg
Assistant Training Officer
6 Years of service in the NZCF
Tech Guru?
Under Officer Shawnee Williams
Basic Flight Commander
6 Years of service in the NZCF
Nursing Student
Flight Lieutenant Zoe Gardiner
Proficiency Flight Commander
16 Years of service in the NZCF
Admin Clerk
Flying Officer Josh Sanders
Advanced Flight Commander
13 Years of service in the NZCF
Intensive Care Paramedic
Under Officer Deon Philips
Assistant Basic Commander
5 Years of service in the NZCF
Under Officer Privthvi Stevens
Assistant Proficiency Flight Commander
6 Years of service in the NZCF
Flight Lieutenant Neale Thomson
Executive Officer
14 Years of service in the NZCF